The term ‘Research Chemical’ is rapidly becoming one of the hottest keywords throughout the web. Originally gaining popularity via chemicals such as Mephedrone, Methylone, MDPV and a whole host of other powders and pills, it’s no surprise that the number of sites selling these RCs has more than tripled over the past 12 months. Now the latest batch of ‘legals’ has hit the market (Methoxetamine , Phenazepam, Methiopropamine etc.) and there are more scammers out there than ever. This guide will give you the top tips in how to avoid losing your money, receiving fake products and most importantly how to keep yourself out of harms way.

  1. Check SafeOrScam

Known as SoS, this should always be your first port of call when researching a new vendor. Customer reviews (both good and bad), a numerical rating system and an ‘invite-only’ member base make this a great place to weed out … Continue Reading >>>

When a man gets a little too excited, we tell him to take a cold shower to cool down. Interestingly, if he followed that advice, he would gain more energy from the experience, including more testosterone. You may cool him down temporarily, but you’ll make him stronger for the next time. All over the world, people have used cold water baths or showers as therapy for a wide range of ailments. In the 1800s, ice bath treatments were medically prescribed to patients as hydrotherapy to cure everything from broken bones to psychological disorders.

While hydrotherapy has largely been replaced by pharmaceuticals in western countries, the practice of immersion into icy cold water continues. People in northern climates go from the sauna to jump into a pile of snow to invigorate their bodies. The annual polar bear clubs take a dip in freezing lakes each year. Athletes are increasingly turning to … Continue Reading >>>

Epiretinal membrane is a thin layer of tissue which is exceptionally sensitive when it comes to focusing on images. It is responsible for sending information to the brain so that you can identify what is in front of you, whether it’s a person or an object.

In order to understand this condition, you also need to understand what a macula is. This is found in the centre of the retina and is used when you read and helps identify shapes. Scar tissue can form over the macula which then distorts the epiretinal membrane. As a result the macula doesn’t work effectively, if at all.

There is good news about this condition and that is that it will not cause complete blindness. There is also no underlying cause for this condition, it is often a result of the vitreous pulling away from the retina and occurs mostly in adults over the … Continue Reading >>>

The health industry is one of the most sensitive. It is supposed to extend solutions to improve health and the slightest overlook could be the thin line between life and death. Pharmaceutical supplies are important and they should be handled with the seriousness they deserve. If you are a supplier you will only manage to create a good reputation in the market only with quality products that are approved by the right bodies.

This is something that you should be able to do by taking the right measures when getting your supplies, especially when dealing with manufacturers offering the supplies online. There is more emphasis on checking out the credibility of the manufacturer or supplier before trusting them with your orders and any other medical supply needs you may have.

Find out whether the manufacturer adheres to good manufacturing practice

There are set standards when it comes to manufacturing pharmaceutical … Continue Reading >>>