Who are the people who Need to get Influenza Vaccine?

Influenza vaccine or flu vaccine is a vaccine that protects our bodies from influenza. Because the development of influenza viruses is very fast, a new version of this vaccine will appear twice a year, with effectiveness varying each year, most influenza vaccines provide moderate to high protection against influenza that you can get at Yishun clinic
The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that almost everyone over 6 months get a flu vaccine every year. Especially for pregnant women, children between 6 months and 5 years, people with other conditions, and health care workers.
Why is it important to get an influenza vaccine?
Influenza is a serious disease that can cause hospitalization and even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect everyone differently. Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and pass it on to others.
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